Trump presidency poses 'existential' economic threat to Canada: Manley

container = $(‘#drop-panel-container’),
contents = $(container).html();

if (isIE8) {




function dropPanelSetUp(data) {
/* buttons should be a dataobject of strings representing IDs
the hide and show functions are expecting IDs so passing a class will result in a

click as the action is assumed for now

the data object should look like this:

{ masterlistener:(string[dom id]),
panel:(string[dom id]),
eventgroup1:{ button:(string[dom id]),
content:(string[dom id]),
on_state_class: ”(string)
eventgroup2:{ button:(string[dom id]),
content:(string[dom id]),
on_state_class: ”(string)
} … etc

The drop panel nodes should be placed so they share the same offset parent as the buttons that activate it.

NOTE: IE8 Got-chya: the ID for the panel is hard coded into the IE8 rouned corners code.
If you have changed the ID for the …