CanadaLiberal MPs urge Prime Minister to break promise of new voting system by next election

Joan Bryden
Dec 1, 2016, Last Updated: 7:28 PM ET

OTTAWA Liberal members of a special all-party committee on electoral reform are urging Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to break his 2015 promise to change Canadas voting system before the next federal election.

That remarkable call for inaction came Thursday even as opposition members of the committee joined forces to put pressure on Trudeau to keep the campaign commitment.

In its long-awaited final report, the opposition-dominated committee recommended that the government design a new proportional voting system and hold a national referendum to gauge whether Canadians would support it.

It could all be done in time for the next election in October 2019, opposition MPs maintained. NDP democratic reform critic Nathan Cullen called the majority report historic.

But Cullen also acknowledged the strange scenario that seems to be developing, with the Bloc Quebecois, the Conservative party, the NDP and the Greens finding enough room for consensus …
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