Trump presidency puts business on collision course with Canadian government and citizens

Donald Trump has made a huge impression on the leaders of the Canadian business community. He is seen as a dramatic change agent, for good and for bad.Unfortunately, Canadian business expects the good to be largely for the United States and the bad largely for Canada. The C-Suite believes Mr. Trump’s policies will be strongly supportive of business growth. The political environment for business in America is seen as vastly better than it was pre-election. As a result, Canadian business leaders think the U.S. economy has its best growth prospects in a decade.

This is not because president-elect Trump is expected to govern differently than he pledged to do in the campaign. On the contrary, business leaders think he was dead serious about his promises. Led by the expected approval of the Keystone XL pipeline, oil patch executives see him as very pro-fossil-fuel development. That beleaguered sector …